
AT: Kingdom of Broken Toys

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                               Kingdom of Broken Toys

(Finn and Jake are  outside in a rocky mountainous path, running and hiding behind a giant rock as an angry wizard with lasers stuck on his shoulders starts blasting at them)
Jake:Finn! What did you do to this guy?!

Finn: Nothing! I just asked him for directions! This guy's a total NUTJOB!

Lazer Wizard: (roars and angrily shoots more at them)

Finn: (looks around and then examines his sword. He got an idea) Jake, stay down! REFLECT ATTACK!(Finn stood up and uses the sword as a shield and reflects a laser back at the Laser Wizard, destroying him)


Finn: YEAH! Who's the man?!

Jake: You're the man!

Finn: Nu-huh, I'm a Boy and Boys VICTORY DANCE! (dances) Join me, dear comrade!

Jake: uh, maybe later man. Hmm (looks around him) we sure got ourselves lost, wonder if WHOA! (Jake gasps and ran to a sign)

Finn: What is it?

Jake: There's a Kingdom nearby! Maybe we could hitch a ride home…and maybe some donuts…and some shoes…while we're at it, why won't we take a break at that kingdom for a while, I'm beat!

Finn: Told you not to eat that Old Lady's weight potion-

Jake: I didn't know it was a potion! They look like little sausages with green spots. She calls em flavah spots. Tastes gewd~!

Finn: whatever, man, but sure, ONWARDS TO- (reads the sign)
Jo-Leh- King-Dom. (Jolly Kingdom)

(Cuts to Finn and Jake walking to a forest. It gets deeper and darker (and pointier) the further they go. Finn and Jake gets pointed by toy swords, needles and some toy blocks)

Jake: Uh, Finn…I don't feel Jolly! (removes a toy car from his butt) Not at all.

Finn: Relax, man, it's just a forest. (Finn bumps to a rag doll. Rag doll turns out to be alive, and Evol!)

Ragdoll creature: HISSS!!

Finn: (gacks)

Ragdoll creature: crawls away*

Jake: That's too whacked-out, man, I think we should-

Finn: Jake, look! (Points to a looming light at the end of the path)

(Finn and Jake ran to it and saw a baron, broken kingdom. It's all black and lit with bonfire and candles, the duo walks to the front gates. They both awes at the dead kingdom)

Finn: Cripes! What happened here?

(a voice gasps behind them, both of them screams with Jake jumping into Finn's arms ala Scooby Doo)

Jake: WHO'S THERE?! I GOT A LETHAL BLUNT WEAPON AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO BASH YER BRAINS OUT! (Jake's hands shifts to a hammer, a bat, a mallet and a can opener)


(the voice coughs and calls for help, it's hidden behind a pile of vines covering one side of the gate. Finn approaches it and removes the vines and saw a cute face coughing)
Finn: hey there, little girl, were you hiding from us? (Finn's about to tug her off but she screams at him)


Finn: whu? Why not? (Finn removes more vines and reveals that she's a head stuck between the gate's base and the gate itself)

Face: if you tug me off my place, the gates will collapse and you two will be stuck here forever.

Jake: I'm Jake, and the guy's who's holding your cheeks is Finn. Who are you? And how are you alive?

Face: I'm the Porcelain Princess; I've been stuck in this gate for two years now. Hoping some kind adventurer would drop by and give this dear head some help.

Finn: what happened here? Is your kingdom always been this depressing?

Porcelain Princess: No…

(Flashback: The Jolly Kingdom's vibrant and lively, parading Porcelain Princess inside a giant wind-up horse carriage. Only her head is visible as she looks out the window)

Porcelain Princess: (narrating) It was a good day, as far as I could remember, and then suddenly there was an explosion from one of the factories that makes my people.

(a large explosion gusts the whole kingdom down, and the horse carriage was blown apart. Porcelain Princess's head got plopped off from her body and got thrown out the window where she lodges into a collapsing gate and luckily held it stable. She got knocked out.)

Porcelain Princess: (narrating) luckily my dismembered head managed to lodge itself into this gate. No one survived the explosion, and if they did they're mutated into horrible monsters.

(Porcelain princess woke up and look around and saw the whole kingdom in rubbles. She starts hearing weird hissing sounds, getting nearer and it cuts to black)

(flashback ends)

Porcelain Princess: I managed to survive by boring them to death. Telling them childish stories of baby Whatsit and The Poodle King.

Jake: that helped?

Porcelain Princess: To my surprise, yes! In fact, you're stepping on their soulless bodies as we speak

(Finn and Jake look down and saw dead, mutated toy people. Both groans in disgust and starts wiping their feet)

Fin: what happened to your body?

Porcelain Princess: I don't remember. It's been two years, but it has to be there. It's made from the toughest toy parts ever made. I just wish someone would find it for me, so that I will be reunited and rebuild his kingdom.

Finn: Sounds hard. You're gonna do it all by yourself?

Porcelain princess: Well, it ain't that hard. There's a rebuild lever right next to you.

Finn: (turns and sees it) oh. (About to grab it)

Porcelain Princess: NO!

Finn: (screams) WHAT?! WHAT?!

Porcelain Princes: Only I can touch that, it's made that way. If anybody else would touch that lever, their very souls would be…OBLITERATED!

Finn: looks back at the lever, eyes wide and slowly backs away)

Jake: I guess the only way to help you is to look for that body of yours.

Finn: there's rubble and toy junk everywhere! How do we know which one is it?

Porcelain Princess: My body is a pink dress, with a heart in it. I'm the only person with a body like that to distinguish royalty. But just in case, take the jewel from the crown.

Jake: (takes the jewel and looks at it)

Porcelain Princess: That will signal you whether my body is nearby. The more it glows, the more it shows!

Finn: Total Math! To The JUNK YARD! (runs towards the town)



Porcelain Princess: The stars bless you Finn…(waving snail starts to crawl all over her face)…Hurry Finn…

(Cuts to Finn and Jake walking into an abandoned tavern and starts looking through the piles of junk and pieces.)

Jake: find anything yet, pal?

Finn: No. (Tosses a robot head) This sucks, it's gonna take us forever looking for one body!

Jake: (puts the jewel down the counter and starts making some drink from the bottles) here pal, have some slush.

Finn: thanks, man. (Drinks it and notices something wedged out of the floor and the jewel starts to glow) hey, could this be? (Touches the piece, and the whole tavern starts shaking. A large ragdoll monster bursts out and starts attacking them. Jake grows to its size and punches it, but the beast head butts him down were he shrinks back to normal. Finn charges with a sword and cuts off a few parts, but the beast grab his sword, throw it away and grab him.)

Jake: FINN!

Finn: (struggling and notices the jewel. It's still glowing) Jake! The jewel!

Jake: aw snap! (About to grab it but the beast slaps him away)

Rag Beast: (opens its maws and is about to eat Finn)

Finn: GET OFF ME, YOU FELT FREAK! (Kicks the Rag Beast in the chin. It made it angrier)

Rag Beast: (opens its maw again, but this time got tied shut by Jake's stretched arm)

Jake: (stressing to hold the rag doll beast, while he holds both Finn's sword and the jewel) I CAN'T HOLD IT!!!

(a potion is thrown to the Rag Beast and a smoke cloud surrounds his head. The Rag Beast drops Finn and Jake lets go. All three of them are coughing, but a figure with roller skates grabs the two heroes in time before the rag beast fell down on them. The figure skates to an alley and puts Finn and Jake down.)

Jake: (Coughs and gasps) How did we? (looks at their rescuers face and gasps even more) HOLY GROD! (The rescuer's hideous!)

Roller Wench: (notices the jewel, and it's still glowing) Do you seek the royal body?

Jake:…aw, she's more hideous when she talks.

Finn: (nudges Jake) Quiet Jake, (to the Roller Wench) Yes, do you know where it is?

Roller Wench: Gaspy laugh* Not only do I know where, but I HAVE IT! (reaches for her sleeve and shows them…a clunky, badly made doll body, with lots of mismatched parts, including a commando leg and a robot claw.)

Finn and Jake: (utter silence)

Jake:…(whispers to Finn: She's poo-brained.)

Finn: (whispers to Jake: I know she is, but let's break it up to her. Nicely…) Uh, Thanks but, We're looking for a girl's doll body, so uh, we're just be on our way and-

Roller wench: (Grabs Finn by the shoulders) BUT IT IS THE ROYAL BODY! YOU MUST TAKE IT BEFORE- WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!! (Knocks herself off balance)


(Both of them runs away from the wench)


(Finn and Jake's still running. They reached an open spot littered with hills of broken toy parts

Finn: (running) Is she following us?

Jake: (turns his head to his back) Nope, she's not! (Turns back) I told you she's Bonkers!

Finn: Well, I- wait, Jake! Look! (Points to a pink arm pointing out of a pile of rubble)
Finn approaches it, sword drawn)

Jake: careful Finn. It could be one of things again.

Finn: points his sword at the arm. It doesn't budge. He points it again and still no reaction from the arm) Looks safe. (He picks up the arm and it reveals a pink doll body with a heart in its chest) GASPS

Jake: GASPS!

Both: WE! FOUND IT!!! YEAH! (Trusts pounds)

(Logo "Finale Time" swirls to the screen)

(cuts to Finn and Jake running back to the gate to meet up with Porcelain princess again. They look excited.)


Porcelain Princess: smiles in joy but then it fades away* That's not my body!

Jake: what? Yes it is! Look, it's pink and it has a heart in it!

Finn: Big heart! (points to the heart)

Porcelain Princess: Yeah, but, it's not-

Finn: then what is- (doll body claws his hand) GASK!

(the doll body drops to the ground and stood up, it starts to grow out more limbs and stretches to a monstrous size)

Jake: AW CRUD! IT'S A TRAP! (got swatted away)

Finn: JAKE!

Jake: (grows his fists and starts punching the living daylights out of the part monster)

Finn: HIYAAAH!!! (climbs to the doll's leg and tries to dislodge a joint, but an army of revived toy creatures starts to crawl to him and threw him off.)

(The toy creature army starts to crowd Finn as he slices them off, but a potion was thrown at the army and lightning knocks the toys off him)

Finn: huh? (sees the Roller wench) You came back?

Roller wench: I have to come back to save my sister!

Finn: sister?

Roller wench: (unzips her shoe dress and starts to bare)


Roller wench: (reveals herself as a beautiful princess in a black dress with ball jointed limbs and parts)

Porcelain princess: Sister?!

Maiden princess: I'm sorry, it was my fault. I made this…


(Maiden Princess is inside the toy factory where she creates a new body for her sister. )

Maiden princess: (narrating) I used a spell to make sure the body lasts forever, but I misread one of the lines and it turned totally evil!)

(Maiden princess reads a spell book and the doll body suddenly turned alive. It throws a handful of potions to a nearby engine and it chemically reacted into a nuclear explosion)

(flashback ends)

Maiden Princess: The only way to stop it is for us to melt that heart jewel! Finn, you think you can roll into the body and destroy that heart?

Finn: (spots the giant roller skate and rips the shoe off to make an improvised skate board) Yeah I can!

Maiden Princess: good (reaches to her sleeve and pulls out a potion) throw this at the heart. It's the only chemical that can melt it! (puts the potion into Finn's  back pack) Now Go!

Finn: (skate boards towards Jake who's grappling with the monster) JAKE! LEAD ME TO THAT THING'S NECK HOLE!



Jake: HOPE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING FINN! GRAAH! (his back flattens to a ramp and Finn skates through it and jumps into the doll's neck hole. )

Finn: (bumps into the bent walls and hits the bottom. He looks up and saw a large crystal beating heart above him. Finn sticks his sword to where he's stepping and uses it to catapult the potion to the crystal.

It made a direct hit and the heart starts to melt, and so does the rest of the body.)

(The Part Monster starts to shriek in pain and began to crumble to bits. Finn rolls to one side and broke out of the monster. Finn's falling)

Finn: JAKE!!!!!

Jake: jumps on him and wraps himself as a protective layer when they hit the ground. Jake bounces back to his regular self and they both watches the monster falls apart.

Finn and Jake: ALRIGHT! (Trust pounds)

Porcelain Princess: YOU DID IT!

Finn: yeah, but we don't have your body…

Jake: sorry, Porcelain princess…

Maiden Princess: Oh you two, You should had taken this body (shows them the clunky mismatched body from before)

Porcelain princess: MY BODY!

Both Finn and Jake: YOU'RE BODY?!

Porcelain Princess: yeah! See! Pink dress with a heart! (Shows them the pink "top" with a heart "patch") How did you find it sis?!

Maiden Princess: I saw it in the rubbles and kept it…I was worried that the doll body
might come looking for it.

Jake: But if you had it all this time, why didn't you gave it to her?

Finn; and what's with the creepy disguise?

Maiden Princess: I couldn't find her, plus if the doll body saw me, it'll tear me apart…SHE VOWS SHE WILL! So I made a disguise so not me, nobody would know it was me!

Jake: that sounds plausible.

Finn: (holds the clunky body) so how are we gonna do this?

Jake: (picks up a nearby "PHILFACE" here, lemme do a quick switchie! (punches Porcelain's head off with the PHILFACE to replace it) See! Nothing's changed!

(Gate topples down)

Jake: um…

Maiden Princess: Don't worry; it'll be fixed if my sister pulled that lever.

Finn: puts Porcelain's head back into her body.

Porcelain princess: I CAN MOVE AGAIN!


Porcelain Princess: (twirls and accidentally hits Finn on the face with her robot claw) oops. Sorry.

Finn: No biggie. (Waves from the ground)

Porcelain princess: (pulls the lever and the whole kingdoms starts to rebuild itself from a decayed ghost town into the lively vibrant kingdom before. Fireworks flies as the whole kingdom's back)

Jake: Look! The gate's fixed again!

(A crowd of happy toy people surrounds and cheers them)

Porcelain Princess: Thank You Finn and Jake! For bringing peace back to my…our Kingdom!

Maiden Princess: Our Kingdom?

Porcelain: (hands her sister her own crown) Uncle would have been proud!

(both Princesses hug)

Jake: That's so sweet! (tears up)…These are manly tears!

Maiden Princess: please accept these (hands the two a whoopee cushion)

Finn: whoopee cushions?

Porcelain princess: no silly, they're flying, expanding whoopies! You ride them to get home!

Finn: aww sweet! (Squeezes his and it flies away) oh.

Jake: Nevermind that, bro, you can share mine! (Stretches his so both him and Finn can fit)

Finn: (jumps into it and they both flew off) YEAH!

(both adventurers laughs as the inhabitants of the Jolly kingdom waves goodbye to them)
(Insert Adventure Time Logo here. End)
My very first Adventure Time fanfic, featuring new characters other than Fin and Jake. I'll be posting pics of them as soon as possible.

Adventure Time (c) Pendleton Ward
Porcelain and Maiden Princess (c) :iconhewhowalksdeath:
© 2011 - 2024 hewhowalksdeath
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Toskato's avatar
ahahaha!! its almost like a real episode of adventure time except no pictures!! i luvs it<33333